Crossword No. 3809: Inferno III — Circles III and IV by Hellphire

Symmetry: 180 degree

Size: 144 cells

Top half of grid represents the Third Circle of Hell: across clues to five of the six rows are double, with one answer normal and the other a glutton, which must lose a letter (spelling a jumble of DANTE) to form another word and be surrounded by RAIN, HAIL, MUD, MIRE or SNOW on entry. Each of three down clues is a triple definition to three words differing in their initial (unchecked) letters, which lie in the remaining row; the correct choice produces CERBERUS (to be highlighted) in the centre of the row. Bottom half of grid represents the Fourth Circle of Hell: answers to across clues are entered with weights reversed (eg, ANNOUNCE becomes ANNECNUO). Subsidiary indications in remaining down clues involve extra letters, spelling PLUTUS: “PAPÈ, SATAN, ALEPPE”; the spoken words also appear as unclued lights, with the second extended to SATANIST.